We introduce drones into companies. Capture sites whenever you need. It’s fast, easy, there’s no waiting and you can handle it yourself. You’ll use your own drone more than you can imagine.
Drones and everything around them are our domain! Our work! Our passion! Our responsibility! Since the beginning of 2021, when we launched our successful project “Drones for Construction,” we have been constantly on the path of innovation and progress. In collaboration with CTU, we began developing the cloud platform AVAG in 2022 and continue to develop it successfully to this day. Now, in 2024, we are proud that AVAG has successfully expanded beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. Our application, which focuses on advanced capabilities for working with geospatial data and photogrammetric processing of drone data, has been discovered by people from more than 60 countries worldwide, and its popularity continues to grow. We believe that our technology and passion bring new opportunities and perspectives.
Team AirView
We introduce drones into companies. Capture sites whenever you need. It’s fast, easy, there’s no waiting and you can handle it yourself. You’ll use your own drone more than you can imagine.
You simply upload your data to our AVAG data portal and we process it for you. We deliver the outputs to you quickly, safely and at a great price. You save human resources for your own professional work and costs for HW and SW.
Accurate, comprehensive, clear, graphic, with measurement areas marked and with the current orthophoto and map in the background. These are appendices to technical reports for balances, e.g. cubatures in monthly invoicing. Once you get used to our attachments, you don't want it any other way. : )
We supply accurate data during the construction of linear structures. We use drones with RTK for geodesic measurements.
Vyvíjíme vlastní časosběrné kamery a máme zkušenosti s produkcí časosběrných videí.
We provide professional services from filming to post-production.